CSPAN Live Coverage Government Shutdown 2011

CSPAN Live Coverage Government Shutdown 2011: The Democrats in the Senate and the President rejected the measure. Senator Reid said it is a "Non-Starter", and the Obama President issued a statement saying that he would veto the Bill. House Chairman John Boehner told to the journalists this morning that the remaining issue in reaching an agreement on federal spending for the rest of 2011 is over spending levels. He also said should go to the Senate and the President must sign a continuing resolution, passed by the House of yesterday which would keep most of the Federal Government funded for another week and the Ministry of defence for the rest of the year. Senator Barbara Mikulski said that Republicans want to push a "Radical Agenda Against Women" and that the debate on women's health programs are "Run Women and Children in the Bus." Presendent Obama set aside a weekend in Williamsburg, VA, to remain in Washington and to continue the work on the budget negotiations. Stay with the Networks Coverage of the discussion of funding, including information from the Capital and the White House sessions.
Related searches:government shutdown, government shutdown 2011, the hill, the blaze, government shut down 


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